Opening ceremony
21st of September 2024
Detailed conditions of participation for designing a stop on our felt art hiking trail:
We would like to invite committed and passionate felt artists from home and abroad to design 15 of the stops.
The stops are guided by the motto “felting moves”. The conditions of participation can be found below.
Since your artworks will then stand, hang or lie outdoors unprotected for a few years, it is obvious that they will rot over time and / or be used by animals as their new home. Since this is the course of nature, we are happy about it and will also document this decay with photos, if possible.
We will then spontaneously decide when it is time to redesign the stop.
Terms and conditions:
National and international felt artists over the age of 18 are eligible to participate; group work is also possible.
The submitted artwork must have been personally designed by you and created using conventional hand felting techniques. (Serial submissions or submissions of several different objects are possible). Your work must consist of stable felt in good quality. Foreign material can be incorporated; the wool content must be at least 75%. In addition, mixed media techniques can also be used. The motto of our felt art hiking trail was deliberately chosen in such a way that it gives you the greatest possible artistic freedom for development and design: "Felting moves"
Submissions need to contain the following:
A portrait photo of the felt artist as well as personal data (first name, surname, title, year of birth, country of birth, address, telephone number, email address and – if available – website)
Artist statement in German or English (max. 50 words), e.g.:“My approach to the material; What is important to me in my work?”
Short text about the work in German or English (max. 50 words): topic, personal approach, statement, …
Details about the artwork in German or English: material, year of creation, technique
5-10 meaningful artwork photos per finished work. Please only provide photos in good quality! We use them for the folder and the homepage. Requirements: calm background, work completely shown, format 1920 x 1080 pixels, narrow side at least 12cm. Caption of the photos: Firstname_Lastname_WorkTitle_PhotoNumber (e.g.: "Michaela_Kunzfeld_AngelWings_1")
The rights for the submitted photos remain with you. However, with your participation/submission, you allow the organizer to use these photos for public relations purposes and to create the folder or the website.
Photo Directory = List of submitted photos with caption and file format
Please send your application to the following email address: You will then be assigned a cloud link to submit the photos.
Participation is free of charge; your work will be featured in folders as well as on our website with a corresponding link to your website.
The selected works can be delivered personally or via a shipping service provider. (Please pay attention to any customs procedures. The artist is responsible for delays and surcharges for deliveries to and from EU countries)
All accepted artworks must be securely packaged, even if they are handed over personally.
With your participation, you agree to leave the submitted work to the organizer for the agreed purpose. For organizational reasons, reclaiming your work is not possible after 15 August 2024.
Furthermore, with your submission/participation, you grant the organizer the right to use your personal data for public relations and advertising purposes concerning the felt art hiking trail. (print media, social networks, television, internet)
The presentation of your works at the individual stops is up to the organizer.
Deadline for submission of artwork photos and texts: 20 July 2024
Decision by 30 July 2024
Delivery of artworks until 15 August 2024
Expected opening: 21st of September 2024
I would like to thank my advisory team very much:
Sigrid Bannier:
Renate Maile-Moskowitz:
Sawatou Mouratidou:
Susanne Schächter-Heil:
Isabella Scherabon: