The felted flag chain - Austria and the world are felting!
We would like to decorate our felt art hiking trail with a chain of felted flags. These flags can be rectangular, square, round or triangular. We also remain flexible in terms of size. As an approximate size we suggest about 20 x 30 cm. The flags can be designed in one colour or with a pattern – the more variety there is, the better! It would be nice if the flags were personalized. If you want, you can write your first name and nationality on the back.
Sooner or later, the chain of flags will accompany the entire felt art hiking trail.
The flags are meant to symbolize tolerance: Different flags symbolize peaceful coexistence. It does not matter who felted the flag – neither nationality, nor religion, nor skin color, nor age, etc.Unfortunately, tolerance has been forgotten by many people lately. However, tolerance is the basis for peace. And peace, as we all know, starts in small ways within each of us.
Therefore, our flag chain will ultimately also be a symbol of peace!
You are very welcome to send us group work or several flags that tell a story or have been created under a certain motto. We will also present some of them on our website.
For all those who want to participate in this project but need support, we offer felting evenings in cooperation with various felt artists. If you need support, please contact us via the contact form – we are happy to help you find felt artists near you!
Our suggestion: Felting flags is very suitable for group work. It could be, among other things, an excellent teambuilding measure for companies, schools, clubs and much more.
Although the opening of our felt art hiking trail will only take place in the autumn of 2024, you are already welcome to send us your felted flags to the following address:
Hönigtal Schulstrasse 40, 8301 Kainbach
We thank you in advance for the many flags from all over the world. We will make sure to find a nice place for each flag along our felt art hiking trail!
News: Worldwide-Zoom-Online-Flag-Felting with Ariane Mariane on 10th of June 2024! More informations and registration: